Where in the World can I use Mir?

We can work anywhere that we have data layers for, currently we have layers in our GIS for the UK, Soth Africa and Saudi Arabia. Contact us and we can upload more data layers for you.

Can I upload my own layers to Mir?

Not at the moment however contact us and we can upload these to the GIS for you.

How do I export the route that Mir finds?

You need a paid subscription to do that contact us and we can set it up for you.

How do the cost layers work?

The cost to cross a given area of the map is set to be 1. When your infrastucture route crosses the same area with a cost layer overlaid, the cost you have set for that layer will be added to the current cost. If more than one layer covers the area then both costs will be added to that area.

How do I get real costs from Mir?

This is an area we would like to explore with potential partners. We have created cost dashboards before, but these tend to be project or infrastructure type specific and we would like to work with partners to create cost dashboards and cost libraries for different infrastructures. Contact us and we can start working together.

Can I use Mir with my own proprietary data?

Currently if you wish to keep layers private then we can run you up your own copy of Mir. There is the potential to limit layers to particular individuals or companies and if you are prepared to sponsor this we could implement it. In either case contact us and we will be happy to help.

Can I use Mir in my own project or tool?

Mir works via an API and we could expose this so that it could be used by other people, either as a SaaS solution that we provide for you or you could host it yourselves. We would also be happy to explore white labelling of Mir. As always please contact us.

Mir has stopped working.

The free trial subscription only lasts for one month, in addition you may only carry out 10 runs per day, this is basically to protect the servers from being flooded by nuisance requests. Contact us to upgrade your subscription.

Mir is drawing straight lines.

This happens where there are no layers overlaying the straight line between start and end points. If you would like extra layers added to the GIS contact us with the details.

What does it cost to use MIR?

MIR is free to trial and thereafter we will provide a pricing option for you. Contact us and we can provide a package for you.